【Let’s Go】Artopia International Youth Arts Contest Starts


【Contest Launch】

Artopia International Youth Arts Contest(AIYAC) was launched by Vancouver Artopia Youth Society, and jointly organizedby ‘Her Land  Weekly’, Shanxi Federation Returned Overseas Chinese, and other youth art education organizations in Canada, China and other countries. We hope that this painting competition will create an art platform for young painters all around the world, to contributetheir strength in the global battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as have a fulfilling summer.


【Contst Theme and Interpretation】

The theme for this contest is ‘Reverencefor Life, Cherish the World’.

The year 2020 is certainly special, with the novel coronavirus taking countless lives around the world. Human lives now truly see the fragility of life as we face the same crisis. That said, it is our wish for the next generation of artists to express hope through expressing the theme: ‘Reverence for life and Cherish the world’. For example, artworks can salute our frontline medical staff, the close interrelations of all humanlives, or a hopeful new world with peace and harmony. These paintings will bring comfort and joy to the sick, while showing the beauty of humanity and the power of science.

Contest Schedule】

The competition is conducted online in three stages.

The first stage, from April to May, is the collection and selection of poster and logo for this contest. This stage has been successfully concluded and the organizing committee issued certificates and prizes to the winner. The winning poster and logo has officially been used for the contest.

The second stage is scheduled to start from June 8th to August 10th.This stage includes the competition promotion, registration and submission period. Professional judges will evaluate all candidate artworks, and results will be announced on August 31st.

The third stage of the contest is the awarding and public charity auction. The organizing committee is scheduled to hold an online award ceremony, and carry out public auctions through the professional art auction platform ‘YKLM.com’ in September. The specific dates and details will be announced later.

【Contest Fundraise】

Contest registration fees and fundraising from the auction will be donated to the Richmond Hospital Foundation in Canada to reward medical staff who contributed to the fight against COVID-19.


This contest is divided into three agegroups:

Children Group: 8-11 years old

Junior Group: 12-15 years old

Youth Group: 16-18 years old

【Contest Reward】

The competition sets up multiple awards by age group. Each group has gold, silver and bronze awards, and individual recognition certificates. Gold awards will also receive cash prizes. This competition will produce a separate award, where the winning artwork will be sent to the International Lions Club for selection in the International Lions Club Peace Poster Contest. All artists of outstanding artworks qualified for the public welfare auction will leave a permanent record on the International Art Auction Platform of Art Alliance. The artists who successfully auctioned the artworks will receive the certificate of appreciation by the Richmond Hospital Foundation of Canada. The excellent organization unit will receive the honorary certificate issued by the AIYAC organizing committee.

【Contest Registration and Submission】

The form and size of the artworks are not limited. Before submitting the work, participants must complete theregistration form. The registration fee for each piece of artwork, for Canadian contestants are $20 Canadian dollars, for American contestants are $15 Americandollars, and for Chinese contestants are ¥100 yuan. Contestants from other regions refer to the exchange rate on the day of registration, which is equivalent to $15 American dollars. Each contestant can submit a maximum 3 artworks, the registration fee for the second work is half price, and the third work is free.




Participants submit the registration form and registration fee by scanning the registration QR code. Please submit the artwork to the designated mailbox. The artwork should be sent in a high-definition image in PDF format, and accompany with introduction (in English or Chinese) to mailbox vays.bc@gmail.com. After submission,participants will receive a confirmation email and registration number from the AIYAC organizing committee.






【Contest Selection and Publicity】

Our multicultural judges are highly respected artists and will access each work on the principle of independence and fairness. This contest will be promoted globally through various media and many co-organizers to give more encouragement to young painters actively participating the competition. The excellent award-winning works will be edited into an album by the AIYAC organizing committee, which can be kept by contestant as a souvenior.


Artopia, let children’s imagination andinspiration run free.

‘Reverence for Life, Cherish the World’. May life be well in paintings, may world be peaceful in color!

Artopia International Youth Arts Contest(AIYAC) Organizaing Committee

June 8th, 2020


