
Artopia Youth Society

Vancouver Artopia Youth Society (VAYS) was established in year 2018. It is a registered non-profit organization in British Columbia in Canada.

Artopia means the Art Utopia. It is an Art Utopia, an ideal land of art; It is a place collecting a group of children who are full of love, intoxicated with art, and they are willing to use their art talent to help others and improve themselves.

The mission of VAYS is to stimulate children’s artistic potential, practice social skills, discover the artistic opportunities, and cultivate the public spirit of dedication and service to the society.

Vancouver Artopia Youth Society: Vancouver Artopia Youth Society (VAYS) is a registered non-profit organization in BC Canada.. It is an art Utopia, an ideal country of art; It is a place collecting together a group of children who are full of love, intoxicated with art, and they are willing to use art to help others and perfect themselves. Slogan:Artopia ,Voluntary ,Help; (Voluntary to help and dedication)   







Annual Sponsorship


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Our upcoming events

Jun 12 - Jul 16
Jul 28 - Aug 20
Sep 16 - Oct 8

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艺邦青少年俱乐部(Vancouver Artopia Youth Society)每年面向温哥华的青少年举行一次公益画展和义卖活动,为Richmond Hospital Foundation 筹款的慈善活动。艺邦与列治文医院基金会以长期合作为目标,并指定募得善款为列治文医院新生儿特护中心Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)所用

Exhibition and Auction Contact

If your children have paintings that need to be exhibited or auctioned, please feel free to contact us and we will communicate with you in time.

Excellent works

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