About Us

Vancouver Artopia Youth Society

Vancouver Artopia Youth Society (VAYS) was established in 2018. It is a registered non-profit organization in British Columbia , Canada.

Artopia means the Art Utopia. It is an Art Utopia, an ideal land of art; It is a place collecting a group of children who are full of love, intoxicated with art, and they are willing to use their art tenants to help others and improve themselves.

The mission of VAYS is to stimulate children’s artistic potential, practice the social skills, discover artistic opportunities, and cultivate the public spirit of dedication and service to the society.

VAYS provides children with:

  • An annual charity fair and an opportunity for talent exchange, and annual social party.

  • Volunteer activity once a year and issue the volunteer certificate.

  • An annual charity bazar with the donation certificate.

  • Information and chance for various arts competitions, exhibitions and more.

Under the call of VAYS, many young painters in Vancouver painted the images of their love with brushes, successfully held a charity sale of artworks, and succeeded the fundraising goal for the NICU of Richmond Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Center. This donation has been used for main equipments in neonatal care, saving little babies from the pain of needing exchange blood due to severe jaundice. Perseverance in doing good deeds, the love circle from VAYS rekindle passion in 2019! VAYS invited the children to draw an artwork under the theme of "respecting life and enjoying sports", through the charity exhibition organized by VAYS. The charity event spreads the love and continue to help fundraising for NICU in Richmond Hospital.







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